[A.Fol. 90a, I
; Brit. Mus. Oriental No. 604, Fol. 5a
and No. 605, Fol. 162a.]
HERE beginneth the story of how
our Lady Mary
appeared unto the Archbishop Theophilus, and
how she spake
with him and strengthened him after the
weariness of the way. He said :
O my fathers and brethren, hearken ye unto what I
shall say unto you with fear, and
with true faith, how
our holy Lady, the twofold Virgin,
Mary, the God bearer,
appeared unto me. On the Sunday which
just passed by we had brought to an
end our prayers for
the night, and the fathers who were
bishops had departed
to sleep by themselves. And I went
up on the
raised platform whereon abideth our holy Lady, the
twofold Virgin, Mary, the
God-bearer, and I stood up
and stretched out myhands, and I made supplication
unto God, saying, " Hearken
Thou unto me, O my
Lordand Saviour
Jesus Christ, Who didst hearken unto
those who were gathered together at
Nicaea until at
length they established the Law
(i.e. Creed) of God.
Hearken unto me, O Thou Who didst
hearken unto
Abba Athanasius the Apostle, and Who
didst help him
out of his tribulation. I am
prepared to do service for
Thee, and I know that Thou wilt hearken unto me
always, and that Thou art for ever
nigh unto those
who love Thy Name, O my Lord and God.
Have compassion
upon me and turn Thou me not
backwards, for
I have yoked myself unto Thee from my youth up, even
unto this hour. I beseech Thee to
show me how Thou
The History of the Virgin Mary related
didst come into this world, and how
Thou didst take up
Thine abode in this house in the wilderness. And help
Thou me to build this house in such wise that it may
become a great church wherein men
shall exalt and
glorify Thy holy Name. Unto Thee
belong power and
forgiveness, and Thou art the Good
One, together with
Thy Father and the Holy Spirit, now, henceforth, and
for ever
and ever." Amen.
And it came to pass that when I had prayed in this
wise a mighty light appeared unto
me, and I thought
that the sun had risen ; and I saw
a marvellously great
light whereon sat the Queen of
women, our holy Lady,
the twofold Virgin, Mary, the
God-bearer. Her face
shone like the sun by reason of the
light that was upon
her, and she was arrayed in such a
brilliant light that
at length I said, " There is
none in this world who can
bear to look upon such glory "
; and Michael, and
Gabriel, and thousands of angels
were going round
about her. And it came to pass that
when I saw them
I fell upon the ground, and I became like a dead man,
but Michael raised meup, and removed fear and dread
from me. Then our holy Lady herself
spake unto me,
saying, I am the holy Lady, the
twofold Virgin, Mary,
the God-bearer : arise, be not
afraid. Salutation unto
thee, O thou horseman and warrior
who doest battle
for the Faith. Salutation to thee,
O thou strong
cornerstone in the Church of God.
Rise up, be strong,
and know that I am the Mother of
the King of the
heavens and the earth. He Whom the heavens and the
earth cannot contain did I bear in
my womb for nine
months, and by His Will I suckled
with the milk of my
breasts Him that giveth food unto all flesh. I am Mary,
the daughter of Joachim and Hanna,
of the tribe of
Judah and of the seed of David, and I have appeared
Unto thee by the desire of my beloved Son.
And I will
shew thee
that which thou hast asked and sought from
me concerning this house, and
concerning my coming
صورة وغلاف ورقة الصورة فارغ
hy Theophilus^ Patriarch of Alexandria
into the country of Egypt from
Jerusalem. Now as
concerning this house He desireth to leave it in this
state, so that it may be a
testimony unto all the generations
that shall come into the world
concerning the
lowly estate which came upon us ;
for my blessed Son
did not desire to be exalted upon
the earth. He rode
upon the clouds, and not upon
horses whereon men
ride, which is a sign of the earth
; but He was carried
in myarms
from Jerusalem unto this house. And we
dwelt in humble state in those
days, but I remembered
the word of Elisabeth, who said,
Who am I that the
mother of myLordJesus
Christ should come unto me?
(Luke i,
43). Thou hast honoured me more
than my
station [meriteth]."
And our holy Lady answered and said unto me,
Theophilus, uncover the ear of thine heart, and
understand what I shall say unto
thee in this hour ; and
write it down upon paper, and cause
it to come into all
cities and regions for the
commemoration of me until
the end of the world. Now as
concerning the manner
in which I brought forth Jesus
Christ. Astar from out
of the East appeared [unto me], and
in its great light
was hidden the light of [all the
other] stars. Now I
was abiding in my house, and I was
afraid of everything,
and there was none to minister unto
me. I was a vir-
gin, and I knew nothing whatsoever,
and was the firstborn
of my mother. I had never at any
time dwelt
with women who had given birth to
children except
Elisabeth, the barren woman, who when she was nigh
to bring forth had everything that
was necessary made
ready for her by her neighbours. As for me, I had no
clothing, and I sought therefore,
but found nothing except
swa things
of sackcloth, and in these swa things I
wrapped His holy Body. Nigh at hand
was a stable
wherein they fed the oxen, and
therein was my bed,
and I laid the Child to sleep upon
it. Andthere were
there an ass and an ox which bowed
down in homage
The History ofthe Virgin Mary
to Him, and they kept Him warm with
their breath ;
now at that season of the year the
days were cold, for
it was the 29th day of the month Takhshash (Dec. 25).
And straightway I looked, and behold, the Angels, and
the Archangels, and the Seraphim,
and the Cherubim
came in their companies, and they
bowed down in
adoration before Him, and they
ascribed praise unto
Him, each according to his tongue,
and said,
This is
the day that God hath made and
blessed.' Then they
came unto me and they paid honour unto me, for
had been given unto me by the Father. And
they said,
Blessed art thou above women, and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, which
hath come forth to
benefit its nation which sin hath
destroyed. Thou art
the spotless Bride, and in thee
there is no guile. Thou
art the blessed Dove, the Mother of
God, the Queen,
the Mother of the Living King, Who
hath appeared
from thee,
and Who shall become the life of the world.
Blessed, moreover, are we, for we have seen our Lord
born in the flesh.'
Then Saint Gabriel drew nigh unto me with his
shining and joyful countenance, and
he bowed down
before me, and said unto me, "
This is He of Whom^ I
told thee, and concerning Whom I
brought thee glad
tidings in the times that are past,
saying that He would
appear through thee, and that He
would give mercy
and strength unto all the peoples
who shall believe in
His Name, and render service unto
His glory." Then
came Joseph, and with him were
Salome and the midwife,
and when they had seen what had
happened they
rejoiced with a great joy. And when
the midwife saw
the Child in the stable she bowed
down unto Him, and
she lifted Him up in her arms, and
said, " Blessed am I
whose eyes have seen Thy joy this
day, O Thou Who
hast come into the world to forgive
the sins of sinners,
of whom am L" And she turned
towards me and said
unto me, " Blessed art thou, O
Mother of God, con-
by Theophiliis^
Patriarch ofAlexandria
whom the Prophets have cried, saying :
God shall appear from a virgin. As for me, I am thine
handmaiden. And I will never
separate myself from
thee, and I will minister unto thee
until I die."
Then came the shepherds unto whom He had appeared
in the light, and they bowed down in
before Him in the stable, and they
cried out, and said,
" Thou art the Saviour of the world, even as they have
told us, and Thou art indeed the
Son of God. Blessed
are we who have seen the glory of
Thy Godhead, because
we were swift to come as soon as we
heard [of
Thee]." And they drew nigh
unto me, and they bowed
low before me, and they said unto
me, " Blessed art
thou above all the women that are
upon the earth.
And blessed is thy womb which bare
Him, and blessed
are thy
breasts which suckled Him, for thou hast given
birth for our sakes to Him that is
the Life of the
World." And all the companies
of the angels that were
there declared what they had seen
and heard, saying,
" Glory to God in the heavens.
Let there be peace on
the earth unto the children of men
with whom He is
pleased " ; and every one who heard marvelled,
and I
said, " What shall I become ?
And after these things, on the eighth day.
He came
that they might circumcise Him according
to the Law
of the Jews ; and they called His
Name Jesus, according
to what the Angel had said unto me
before I had
conceived Him. And in those days
there came certain
men who were Magians
from the country of the East,
and they were making enquiries in
the cities and dis-
round about, saying, " Where is Christ born ?
For we have seen His star in the East, and we have
come to worship Him." When
Herod heard this he
was greatly moved, together with
[the people] of all the
borders of Jerusalem. Then Herod
gathered together
all the nobles, and the priests,
and the scribes, and the
elders of the people, and he asked
them, saying, "Where
F 65
The History of the Virgin Mary related
is Christ born ?
And when was His appointed time ?
And they said unto him, " He
hath been born in these
[last] days, in Bethlehem of Judea,
even as the prophet
Micah saith, And
thou, Bethlehem of the country of
Ephratah, art not the least of the
provinces of Judah,
for from thee shall go forth the
King Who shall rule
My people Israel " (Micah v,
2). Then Herod said
unto the Magians,
" Go ye and seek out the Child, and
when ye have found Him come and
tell me, that I may
worship Him" —not that he
wanted to worship Him,
but in order that he might kill
Him; for he thought
that the Child was an earthly
being, and that His kingdom
was earthly. And when the Magians had heard
those things from the king they
went forth to seek for
the Child. Now that star which
guided them from
their own country, until it brought
them unto the
place where my be
loved Son was, left them and was no
more seen. And when they had
entered into [the
stable] they saw the Child in my
arms, and they worshipped
Him, and with joy and gladness they brought
forth gifts of gold, frankincense,
and myrrh ; and they
cried out, saying, " Blessed
be the Great King Who
shall destroy the kingdoms of the
earth. And moreover.
Thou shalt descend into the earth,
and thou shalt
bind Satan in chains, even
according to what we have
found in the Book of the Prophets
and wise Fathers."
And that night they slept [there], thinking that on the
Morrow they would go to Herod and tell him that they
had found the Child and His mother.
But the Angel
of the Lord appeared and said unto
them, " Get ye to
your own country in peace " ;
and they went there
according as the Angel of the Lord had
said unto them.
Now when forty days were ended we brought Him
up to the Temple that they might do
unto Him [according
to] the Law of Moses, and according
as they
are wont to do unto the children of
Israel. And when
we had brought Him into the house
of the Sanctuary
by Theophihis^
Patriarch of Alexandria
[we found] there a priest whose
name was Simeon, and
he was waiting to see the Saviour before he died. And
I gave him the Child, and he took Him and carried Him
in his arms, and he blessed Him and
bore him round
about in the Temple. Now he was a
blind man, and
my beloved Son opened his eyes when
He saw him.
And Simeon opened his mouth and said,
straightway let Thy servant depart
in peace, O Lord,
according as Thou hast commanded ;
for mine eyes
have seen Thy Salvation which Thou hast
prepared before
all Thy people. [To be a light to
lighten the Gentiles,
and to be] the glory of Thy people
Israel." And
when he had ended these words he
gave me the Child,
and we came [back] in peace with joy
and gladness; and
the old man Simeon the priest died
on that same day.
And Herod waited two years for the Magians
to return
unto him, but they came not back,
for they had
returned to their native land ; and
Herod was greatly
moved, and he and all his servants
were afraid. Then
Satan appeared unto him by night in the form of a wise
man, and said unto him, "
Wherefore remainest thou
[thus idle] ? For thou and all thy kingdom shall be destroyed."
And Herod answered and said unto him,
" What shall I do ? "
Then Satan said unto him, "
the morrow, early in the morning,
send thy servants
and command them not to leave
[alive] in Bethlehem
any child which is two years old
and under, and let
them slay them ; and as the Child
[Jesus] shall be found
among those who shall be slain, He
shall not grow up
and shall not take thy kingdom."
Now on that day the
Angel of God appeared unto Joseph, and said unto him,
" Rise up, and take the Child
and His mother, and depart
unto the country of Egypt until I
give thee His
word; for Herod seeketh
the Child to slay Him." Then
straightway we rose up and departed
into the country
of Egypt, and Salome was with us.
And it came to pass that, when the morrow had come,
The History ofthe Virgi?i Mary related
Herod commanded them to slay the children In Bethlehem
and in all the borders thereof and
in all the dis-
thereof, in accordance with the information that
he had obtained from the Magians, and according to
the word of Satan, the father of
all iniquity. So we
rose up[and went] on our way, and Joseph
was in front
of me. And I carried my Child
sometimes on my
shoulders, and sometimes on my
back, and sometimes
in my arms, and by reason of the
length of the way, and
the weariness of the journey,
Salome [carried Him] in
turn. Then, sometimes, I set Him
down upon the
ground that He might follow me,
even as do women
when they teach their children to
walk, for I was a delicate
woman, and it had not been my lot
to toil hard.
And He would walk along a little way at a time, holding
on to the hem of my skirt, and
then, like all children
who cry out to their mothers to
carry them. He expected
me to carry Him; and I did so
immediately on
my back. Then I would embrace Him
and would re-
joice in
His walking, and at the same time I cast imprecations
upon Herod, and cursed him and all
kingdom, because he had treated
innocent and sinless
children in such a cruel manner,
and had slaint hem, and
had put sorrow into the breasts of
their mothers and
fathers. Now when Joseph saw Salome
carrying the Child
upon her shoulders he wouldc arr your food for the way.
And it came to pass that, when we arrived in the
country of Egypt, we sat down
outside a city, under the
shadow of a tree, so that we might
rest from the heat of
the sun, for the season was summer,
and the day was
the twenty-seventh of the month Genbot (May 22) ;
now Joseph and Salome slept by reason
of the weariness
of the way, but I suckled my Child.
Now His apparel
was in colour
like wine, being the same as mine own
wherein my father and my mother
arrayed me when
they brought me into the house of
the Sanctuary, and
since the time when I first put it
on I had never taken
صورة وظهر ورقة الصورة فارغ
by Theophilus^
Patriarch ofAlexa7idria
it off, and the sandals that were
on the feet of mySon
were like unto gold. And behold, on
that road [we
met] two thieves, one of whom belonged
to the country
of Egypt, and the other to the
country of the Hebrews.
And the Hebrew said unto the Egyptian, "
I wish to
Carry off the apparel of this woman and that of her Son,
for it is like unto royal raiment.
H we had met them
in the desert I would have taken
it, but they are nigh
unto a city." Then the
Egyptian said unto his companion,
" Let them alone and let us
depart, for I have
not seen such a child as this since
I was born." Now
whilst they were talking in this
wise I took out my
breast and suckled the Child, for I
wished to give Him
milk to drink, and when I looked
round about me I
found them not. Then I rose up and
took the Child
into the city, and asked the women thereof
to give Him
some water to drink ; but there was
none who gave me
any, for the people of that city
were without mercy.
Now when the thieves saw that I had gone away they
came back and, going into the place
where Joseph was
sleeping, they carried off the
shoes of my Son. And
when I returned I woke up Joseph
and Salome, and I
said unto them, " Rise up, and
let us depart from this
city, for the people thereof have
no mercy. I sought
for water, but there was none who would
give me any.
I have lost nothing except the sandals of my Son which
the thieves have taken." Now
as I said these words I
wept, and when my beloved Son saw
my weeping He
sought [to stay] my tears with His
hand. And He
thrust His fingers down into the
ground a little way,
and forthwith beautiful water
welled up; and we drank
thereof. Nowthe
water was as sweet as honey and as
white as milk. Then He made the
sign of the Cross
over the water, and said, "
Let this water be unto every
one who wisheth
to drink thereof healing and pleasant,
except unto the people of this city
; unto them let it
be as gall in their mouths, and let
not any one of them
The History of the Virgin Mary related
have benefit there from." Then
when we had eaten a
little food I took my beloved Child
upon my back, and
we rose up to depart. And
straightway their temples
fell down in the twinkling of an
eye, and not one of
them was left [standing], and the
idols thereof were
broken and dashed to pieces ; and
in like manner the
gods thereof were thrown down, one
upon the other,
and were broken.
Now, as we were making our way up into Egypt the
mountains and the wild beasts came
and worshipped
my Son, and when we journeyed
onwards they also
journeyed with us. Then my Son
turned towards them,
and placing His right hand upon the
mountain that
was towards the East, and His left
hand upon the mountain
that was towards the West, said
unto them, "Stand
ye still,
and behold, make firm your roots deep in the
rock like things fixed therein
" ; and thus do they
appear unto this day. And He said
unto them, " Be
ye a sign unto those who shall not
believe in Me and
unto those who shall deny Mycoming, and unto the
sinful Jews, and unto Herod the
accursed and his kingdom,
and unto all those who shall not
believe in My
holy Name." And He said unto
these mountains, " Ye
have recognized Me, and ye have
believed on Me, O
things that have neither soul nor
body, but the kings
whom I have created in Mine own
form and likeness
believe not in Me, and they will
not render homage
unto My glory. Those for whose sake
I have come into
the world will neither payhomage unto Me nor receive
Me; nay, they seek to slay Me, and
I have been [constrained
to] come and stay in this country.
But My
Name and that of My pure mother
shall be magnified
and glorified from generation unto
And next we arrived in the city of Ashmunen,where
The capital of the 15th nome of
Upper Egypt, which lay on the
west bank of the Nile about 182
miles south of Memphis. The town
was the centre of the cult of the
old Egyptian god Thoth, the scribe
by Theophilus^
Patriarch of Alexandria
in the forepart of the gate was a
huge building which,
with its four towers/ reared itself
above the city, and
it, too, fell down and was broken,
because they worshipped idols
therein. Then our Lord Jesus said,"
shalt be
the sign (or, memorial) of this city and of the
people thereof for
ever " ; and this took place even as
He said, for the fortress became a ruin, [and it remaineth
so] unto this day. And there was a
tree^ in that
place, and it bowed down at the
feet of my Son and
said unto Him, " Prosperous be
Thy coming, O Jesus,
Thou Son of God ! " And the Lord answered and said
Unto it, " No worm shall ever
enter into thee, and thou
keep in memory My coming into this city to-day."
Andall the people, from the
greatest to the least, marvelled
at the glory that was on my Son,
and said, "
have never at any time seen a Child
like unto this."
Now as we were passing on through one of the market
places of the city, behold, five
camels crowded us on the
road, and when my Son saw them He
said unto them,
" Stand still " ; and they
became stones even unto this
day. 3 And there was a certain man
whose name was
of the gods ;
the Greeks identified this god with
Hermes and called
his city Hermopolis
Magna. The Coptic name of the town, "Shmoun,"
represents the old Egyptian " Khemen," or " Khemenu,"
whence also
comes the Arabic name Ashmun.
These towers were probably the pylons of the temple of
the ruins of which were to be seen
at Ashmunen until the early Middle
2 According to Abu Salih (ed. Evetts, p. 222) there was outside the
church a Syrian tree bearing the
fruit called " sebestan," which is of
a red colour.
The tree stood near the ancient temple. Thegovernor
of the town wished to cut it down ;
but the patriarch Agatho was
standing under the tree, and when
the woodmanstruck it with his axe,
the axe flew back into his face and
wounded him grievously.
Abu Salih (pp. 220, 221) says :
It is said that there was on the
highest point of the town a cock,
and beneath it a row of dromedaries.
Whena stranger approached the town
the cock crowed, and the dromedaries
came out to destroy that stranger.
But when our Lord Christ,
to Whom be glory !
this town, the cock crowedand the dromedaries
went out, according to their
custom. And when they saw the
The History ofthe Virgm Mary related
Teflem, upon whom was the mercy of
God, and he received
us and made us to abide in his
house ; and all the
idols [therein] fell down and were
broken to pieces.
Then all the ministrants of the gods were afraid, and
they hid themselves in their
houses. Now when the
morning had come all the people
gathered themselves
together to the place wherein we
were, and [among
them] were many who were dumb, and
deaf, and sick
of every kind of disease. And my
Son laid His hand
upon them and healed them of all
their sicknesses, and
Hewrought in that city many miracles,
the which if I
were to describe them to thee, no
paper would be suffi-
cient to
contain them. Then multitudes of people
came to us and pressed upon us, by
reason of the
miracles which He wrought that day.
And we departed from that place and came unto a
city the name of which is Pantos (Funkus ?), and the
inhabitants thereof were humane and
we abode there :
and my Son wrought innumerable
miracles therein.
And He said, "
My Name, and the name of My mother
Mary, shall be in this city even to the most remote
days." And they brought those
who were suffering
from sickness and diseases unto
Him, and in His abundant
mercy He healed them. And a certain
man who
was a blacksmith heard [of these
things], and he came
unto us—now he belonged to [one of]
thegreatest fami-
lies in
Jerusalem—andhe made the old manJoseph and
us also to take up our abode in his
house ; and he had
a son who was possessed of a mighty
devil. And it came
to pass that his devil returned
unto him on that day,
and as soon as he saw the Child, he
cried out to Him,
and said, " What have I to do
with Thee, OJesus, the
Nazarene ? Hast Thou come unto us
to condemn us ?
Lord Christ and the Lady, and Joseph the carpenter, they
them ; and on the spot they were
changed into stone ; and their number
was five. On this island there are
300 villages. Our Lord entered
by the eastern gate. Here the
dromedaries worshipped Him.
by Theophiliis^
Patriarch of Alexandria
Weleft Jerusalem through Thee and
fled to this city,
followed after us to judge us, for indeed
Thou art the Son of God." Then Jesus said unto him,
Make an end [of thy words] and go forth out of
him " ; and straightway the young
man recovered from
his sickness. And he and his father
and mother rose up
and worshipped, saying, " Blessed
are we, in that we
have been considered worthy of this
act of grace above
all [other] folk, for although we
are sinners Thouhast
come into our house
—now when we came in the
blessing of God came unto them. And
very many
people in that place believed when
they saw the
miracle that the Lord Jesus had
Then the nobles of the city enquired of the priests
of the gods, and said unto them,
"Wherefore doye hide
yourselves and forsake your gods ?
And the priests
said, " From the moment when
this woman and her
Child came [here], the idols have
been broken in pieces,
temples of the godshave fallen down; although
we keep watch over them during the
night yet in the
morning they are broken in
pieces." Then the nobles
of the city sent for us to betaken to them, but we withdrew into
the chambers in the upper part of
the house.
Then the priests seized the master of the house, and
took him before the nobles of the
city, who said unto
him, " Where are the people
who were living in thy
house ? "
And he said unto them, " It is
three days
this day since they departed from
my house, and I know
not where they are " ; and,
although they scourged
him, he said nothing whatsoever
except, " I know not
where they are." And when he
came forth from the
elders of the city he told me what
had taken place before
Andin the morning we departed from them and we
arrived at a city the name of which
was Kuesya,^ and
Probably Munyatu bu Kais, the Mone of the Copts
and the Men-t
of the ancient Egyptians, i.e. the
metropolis of the l6th nome of
The History of the Virgin Mary related
therein was a temple whereon stood
a statue with seven
steps ; and those who ministered
unto the statue
allowed none except a noble of the
city to enter into
the temple. Now the statue was wont
to step forward
and to bow to those who made offerings
[in the temple].
And it came to pass that when we had arrived at the
gates of the city the pedestal with
seven steps and the
statue that was on them were
overturned, and the
statue fell to the ground and was
broken in pieces.
Then the devil that was in the statue cried out and said
unto the priests,
If ye do not go to this woman and
her Son, and the old man who travelleth with her, and
the woman [Salome], and drive them
away when soever
they would enter into this city,
your occupation will be
destroyed, and in three days' time
they will make you
to go forth [from your temple]. And
I warn you that
they will come into your country,
for they seek [to invade]
all the provinces of Egypt, and
when they have
once entered into this city, the
temple of the gods shall
be overthrown, and the work of our
city shall be destroyed,
and our enemies shall rise up
against us and
make an end of our city, and our
glory shall be cast to
the ground." Then when the
priests of the gods had
heard these things they appointed
one hundred men to
come against us with sticks and
staves, and they cursed
and reviled us exceedingly, and
said, " What want ye
here with us ?
Get ye gone, lest our soldiers come and
slay you, for our gods have told us
that our city shall
be destroyed through you " ;
and their women and
children came forth and reviled and
cursed us. Then I
took my Son in my arms and
departed, being sorrowful,
and I wept, and my heart was sad
because the people
would neither receive us nor let us
dwell [in their city].
Upper Egypt, the modern Minyah,
which lies on the west bank of the
Nile, and is about 157 miles south of Memphis (or, Cairo.)
In Coptic
times the town contained several
churches, two dedicated to the Virgin,
one to St. George, and one to St.
by Theophilus^
Patriarch of Alexandria
And it came to pass that when we had departed from
the city, the name of which was
" Kuesya," my Son
turned and cursed it and said unto
the inhabitants
thereof, "
Ye shall be the fewest in number, and the
feeblest, and the most despised of
all the peoples of
Egypt. Nothing shall increase in your land except toil
and the workings of the sorcerer,
and your country
shall not be fertile, and your
priests shall not increase
in numbers, but shall follow each
other only one by
one. And the blessing of My Mother
shall not be
upon you ; and according to that
which hath gone
forth from My mouth even so shall
your land be."
And having said these words He went on His way.
And we travelled onwards and sat down to rest ourselves
a little. Now there was a staff of
olive wood in
the hand of Joseph, and Jesus took
it in His holy hand,
and planted it in the ground in
that place, and said,
" It shall be a blessing unto
the people of this place for
ever, and a memorial of My journeying
along this road."
Then straightway the twigs on the stick budded and
became green, and it bore fruit
even as it had done
upon the tree in times past. And we
wished to go forward
on our way. Now there were very
many fields
round about the place where we
were, and Joseph,
pointing with his finger, said,
" Unto which village
shall we go ? For the day hath
waned into evening,
and the night hath come." And
I said unto him, " Let
us not journey on through the
fields, but let us go out
into the desert."
And as we were going along by the side of a mountain
at the time of sunset, behold, the
two thieves,
whom we had met before outside the
city, and who
had followed us from thence to this
place, as soon as
they saw us rushed upon us with
their swords, which
were drawn, in their hands. And
they said, " For many
days ye have given us great
trouble, for we have followed
you, and we could not find where ye
had gone
The History of the Virgin Mary related
until this day ; behold, ye have
now fallen into our
hands." And thus saying they
snatched my beloved
Son from out of my arms, and they stripped off His
raiment and mine also, and they
carried off my head cloth,
and then they turned towards
Joseph, who was
like a simple sheep, and snatched
away his apparel also.
And when Salome saw all these things happening
stripped off her apparel and cast
it away. Then having
carried off our apparel the two
thieves stood a little distance
away, and held converse, the one
with the other ;
and when I saw them plotting together
I was afraid
with a great fear, and I said in my
heart, " They will
come to me next and will kill my
Son." And I lifted
Him up in my arms, and weeping I laid my face upon
His, and said, "
Woe is me, O my beloved Son !
Whither shall I escape from this hour ?
Whither shall
I run ? I fled with Thee from
Jerusalem through fear
of the enemy Herod, lest they
should kill Thee, O my
beloved Son. O my Son, beloved One
of my soul, it is
better for me to go down into mine
own country and
to die than to see all [this]
suffering. And behold, I am
afraid lest those who are more
wicked than Herod lay
hands upon Thee. It is better for
me to be in Bethlehem
with those who know Joseph than to
be making
supplication unto them (i.e. the
thieves) on Thy behalf,
that they slay Thee not. O my
beloved Son, it is
a calamity unto me that I am a
virgin and of no account,
and that I know nothing of all
these things. O
Light of mine eyes, whom do I know in this country ?
And behold, I am in the wilderness, and I know neither
place nor city whither I can go.
Where are all those
who know me ? All the women who
have borne children
would weep with me if they saw this
day the
sorrow and the tribulation which
have come upon me,
and the fear which hath entered
into my heart and
mind this day. O my beloved Son,
did not I endure
hardship with Thee when I was
fleeing lest evil should
by Theophilus^
Patriarch of Alexandria
befall Thee, O Thou Light of mine
eyes, and when
they drove me from one place unto
another and cast
me forth from the city and the
fields [about it] ?
O my Son, what shall I do if I see them kill Thee in this
place ? Great would be the grief
that I should feel
should I see it ; and if they slay
Thee here I shall kill
myself with mine own hand. And what
should I do
without the sweet and gracious
words that Thou dost
speak unto us each day ?
What shall I do, O Thou
Light of mine eyes, Thou Life of my soul and body ?
When I see the women who are suckling their children
at their breasts, I wish that the
women, whose children
Herod slaughtered at their very breasts, could weep for
them this day with me. It would be
better for me to
be in Jerusalem or in Bethlehem,
but then I should not
find many to lament their children
with me. Where
are my holy fathers and the
prophets, that they may
weep with me this day ? I would
that the Angel who
announced to me concerning Thy
birth could see my
lamentation, and that Elisabeth,
who belonged to my
family, and her son John could be
with me and see the
sorrow of my heart. O Lord, have
mercy upon me in
the matter of my death, and be not
silent concerning
my sorrow."
Now whilst I was pouring out lamentation in this
wise, and was weeping, and my tears
were streaming
down my cheeks, and those of my
Son, one of the
thieves saw our weeping, and his
bowels were moved,
and he spake
unto the Jew, and said unto him, " I beseech
thee, O my brother and friend, not
to carry off
the apparel of these wayfarers, for
I see on their faces a
light which is brighter than that
which is on the faces
of all other people ; and as for
this Child, He is like
unto the son of a king, and I have
never seen any other
child who is like unto Him."
And the Jew said, " I
will not hearken unto thee this day
; nay, I will take
their apparel, for it is the
raiment of kings, and [the
The History of the Virgin Mary related
merchants] will give me much money
for it." And
when the Jew refused him [his
request], and his companion
[the Egyptian] was unable to turn
him, the
Egyptian said unto the Jew, " From the time when we
were in Bethlehem until this day we
have robbed together.
Last night we obtained much booty, and the
portion that is
my share shall be thine, only let me keep
the apparel of these wayfarers as
my own possession, so
that I may give it back to them ;
for it is hard for me
[to see] this Child standing more
naked than any other
child of man." And when he had
spoken in this wise
the Jew said,
" Take the apparel " ;
and he took it from
him and gave it unto us, and I
dressed my Son therein
joyfully. Now when my beloved Son
saw him do this
He made the sign of the Cross over him with His
fingers, and the two thieves
departed together. Then
Jesus said unto me, " Seest thou these two thieves ?
They shall be crucified with Me,
one on My right hand
and one on My left, in Jerusalem by
the Jews. And
the thief on whom it hath been in
My heart [to shew]
the mercy of My Good Father shall
believe on Me on
the wood of the Cross, and he shall
enter into the
Garden (i.e. Paradise) at the head of Adam and his
seed. And as for this place where
they stripped Me
naked, and where thou hast wept
over Me with the
sweet tears of thine
eyes, it shall be a healing of every
person who is sick and ill and who was
heth therein, and
I will give them life because of the green grass and
herbs that are therein. And thy
tears, which have
fallen upon My body and dropped
upon the ground,
shall give them life, and they
shall arrive in their own
countries with joy and
And when He had said these words the night fell, and
Joseph chided me, and said unto me,
I wanted to go
on into the village, but thou
wouldst not hearken unto
me, and therefore wehave come into this desert place,
and darkness hath fallen upon us,
and we know not
صورة وغلاف ورقة الصورة فارغ
by Theophilus^
Patriarch of Alexandria
whither we are going. But God hath
delivered His
people, for if He had not done so
the thieves would
have killed us." And at that
moment MySon looked
into Joseph's face, and said unto
him, " Speak not, O
My father, to My Mother in this wise.
It was the wish
of the Good God that I should
become man; it is
not for you to give Me commands,
for it is I Who give
commandments to the whole world,
but I will go
whithersoever thou wishest." And having said these
words we went up into a mountain,
and we came into
this house, and I stood up therein,
and I put my Son
down upon the ground from my bosom.
And when
He stood up on His holy feet upon the ground He
lifted up His hands, and at that
moment the house
shone with light as though the sun
had risen therein ;
and I gave thanks unto God Who had
delivered us and
brought us to this place and had
saved us from the
doers of iniquity and violence. And
we took up our
abode therein joyfully, and we
blessed God the whole
night long.
And in the morning we found a cistern of water, and
We rejoiced because we could drink and could wash the
Child, and I took Him to the cistern, and He stretched
out His fingers and blessed it, and
it became full of
water. And straightway He opened
His mouth and
blessed it, and said, " Be
thou sweet in the mouth of
everyone, and be thou like unto the
stream of the river
of the land of Egypt (i.e. the
Nile). And it shall heal
everyone who shall be a believer in
the true Faith and
in it of his sickness or disease
when they assemble in
[this] house."
And we dwelt [there] with the Child and Joseph, and
Salome went round about the house and found a
pitcher and a bucket which they had
prepared for us ;
and she washed the Child
continually, and I suckled
Him at my breasts. And they brought
me my food
from God, and I saw the angels and
the hosts of heaven
The History of the Virgin Mary
worshipping at the feet of my
beloved Soncontinually,
whilst my nipple was in His mouth.
And they said in
their own language, " Blessed
be Thou, O God, Who
hast come in this lowly state to
give life unto Adam and
unto his seed, because they are the
work of Thy hand,
and Thou hast fashioned therein Thine own image and
likeness. And blessed be He Who
hath the pre-eminence,
the Word Who hath proceeded from
the mouth
the Father, the Upholder of the
Universe. And
honour be
unto the Holy Virgin who was in labour with
Thee in giving Thee birth." So
we tarried there, and
we rested from the toil which had
come upon us. And
the angels came and ministered unto
us and made
supplication unto us.