
Coptic Youth for Holy Book
Contact Emails

Dear visitor:

Your questions, related to the biblical ministry, are most welcome.
Your feedback and active interaction are the fuel of this ministry ...
Having any issue to discuss or suggest, Please do not hesitate to contact us,
Just click here, or e-mail us at:

If you have a question on bible,
iust click here, or forward your question at:

If you have a stuff you find suitable
to contribute to the site,
please send it to us at:

The site relies on His grace and your interaction to carry us through.....

Within the process of renewal, the email addresses herein are CURRENTLY OFF.
In the mean time, MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT is up and runnig and fully publicly shared.
you may conatct through the inbox therein

Info for Academic Reference Info for Citations':
Deacon Basil (previously P. Eng. Basil Lamie, aka Christopner Mark),
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Official Site: www.copticyouth4holybook.net
All contents at the site is original works by aforementioned Deacon Basil.

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