الصفحة درافت وبذرة لتحميل عدد ضخم بأحجام كبيرة
بحشب مسرّة الرب لعلّه يٌعين ويبارك
  those Relying on His grace that carries one through
  I add this draft seed of a page with alot of pending video stuff.
  (The design and animation program is written in DHTML by the author)
Lord's servant, P. Eng. Basil Lamie (aka C. Mark)
The site & all contents within r founded, authored & programmed by Deacon P. Engineer Basil Lamie, a.k.a. Christopher Mark ,,,,,
FB-like counter started around 2013 and got jeopardized for few years due to a technical fb problem,
while the WebHit counter started on May 17th, 2023. Both are collective overall the site!